With the meal planning functions of the Content Management System (CMS), you can add all your existing meal plans to the app, or you can design new ones. An outstanding feature is that you can assign individual meal plans to the users.
meal plans and publish them in your mobile app.
It is guaranteed that your users are going to be inspired by them and will
love this feature!
Our unique CMS gives you the ability to design recipes, meal plans and get automatically
calculated nutrient & allergen data, so you can fine tune them.
You can assign personalized meal plans for individual users or groups of users, which will
only be visible for them.
This great feature gives users the ability to design their own meal plans easily by dropping recipes or single ingredients into the calendar.
It helps them to follow up nutrient and calorie intake. The meal plans in the calendar are
easily modifiable and the users can also save them as a template for the future.
The ability to share your meal plans is provided for you and your users.
With our analytics we can provide stats about your meal plans and show how your users “consume” their content.