In the past 5 years, as the influencer business has grown dramatically, we have also seen a shift in how readers/users consume content. There are two important trends to consider when you are in the content creation business:
1. Instead of reading, people quickly scan through content
Few people will read a 2-page article unless it is very interesting. If a blog post is about preparing a pie crust, readers will immediately go to the recipe. If they are unsure about the preparation, they will look at the pictures you include in the post. But reading through long text? No way! Therefore, hiding product names for promotion in the text is almost useless.
2. Video creation has become easier
When it comes to video and vlog content, people no longer care about the quality. They want to see real people in real situations. You can have a low budget and a one-man camera show, and they will still love you if the content is authentic and reflects real life.
Therefore, starting to create video content might be a good idea.
We see many content creators who had a great 5-figure income in the past but are now losing their user base because of the increasing number of new entrants with fresh video content. People are not loyal. If they see something greater, funnier, or more admirable, they will turn their back on you. If you stay lazy and think that the same ad revenue will continue to flow in, you are making a mistake. If you see a stable decline in your ad revenue, it is time to act before it is too late. Change your content, refresh your website, and create an app.
There are thousands of cooking videos available now. There are also many training programs on the web for losing weight, building muscle, increasing focus, and becoming a minimalist. People browse through these options, but how can you keep them loyal? How can you ensure that they check your newest content and see your sponsors' ads? Having your own app is a great way to do this. Create an app while you still have a user base to convert. Make your app simple with relevant content. Analyze your readers/users and share easy-to-digest content. If you are in the food blogging or recipe business, just share your recipes, create meal plans, and add recipe videos shot in your kitchen. If you are in the fitness or wellness industry, create programs that help change wrong habits and support changes.
Make changes in people's lives directly, and they will honor it with loyalty and referrals.